YOUUTEKK Health Articles & Self-Care

Stemregen for Guitarists

Stemregen for Guitarists

Stemregen has done great things for my hands and fingers movements as I play guitar at my age.

Stemregen for Guitarists

Stemregen has done great things for my hands and fingers movements as I play guitar at my age.

Joint Health, Arthritis and Inflammation

Joint Health, Arthritis and Inflammation

Physical exercise can induce muscle damage that generates inflammation and with it, burning, stiffness, and pain. The effect worsens with age. Standard treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen...

Joint Health, Arthritis and Inflammation

Physical exercise can induce muscle damage that generates inflammation and with it, burning, stiffness, and pain. The effect worsens with age. Standard treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen...